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After graduating in sociology, in Budapest, she left Hungary in search of new people, feelings and landscapes. Established since 2010 in Santiago de Compostela, capital of the autonomous community of Spain, Galicia, her designs breathe from the observation of the nature and environment that surrounds her. Through her pieces she invites you to an imaginary journey, a multicultural pilgrimage. She has obtained the official Galician Craftsman Certification after being accredited as a professional in design and silversmith at the Mestre Mateo School of Art and Design in Santiago de Compostela. Her works are characterized by a commitment to quality, exclusivity and, above all, originality.

Kinga Haudek, @kingahaudek @Kinga Haudek Detalle Bosque Encantado, Colecciones Privadas, @kingahaudek @Kinga Haudek


“My silver designs are fruits of an artistic process, a personal search for shapes and volumes, images and meanings, fed by my cultural and spiritual concerns. The ideas rise from my journeys, real and imaginary ones, from the people and the nature around me. The most characteristic features of my pieces are the organic forms, the oriental influences, the natural elegance, ... ”


The production is based on craftsmanship, purely artistic and handicraft, no kind of industrial or commercial jewellery making is accepted during the fabrication process. All the pieces are handmade by the author using the ancient, traditional silversmith techniques. Any notion of mechanized mass production is discarded. As a consequence, all the pieces have their own personality: they present small differences and peculiarities and their warm finishing is proper of the individual manual processing. As a guarantee of authenticity, all jewels are signed by the author. The sterling silver with guaranteed quality comes from, a Galician company.

Taller @kingahaudek @Kinga Haudek